Duct Cleaning

Comfort Realised

Duct Cleaning


Breathe Fresh and Healthy with Our Duct Cleaning Services in Calgary

Indoor air quality is key to health and wellness, that’s why taking all the necessary actions to keep it fresh and clean is so important. One of the simplest and most effective ways to ensure that the house's air quality in your space is top-notch is to make sure the ducts are clean and clear.

The best way to do that is to hire a premium duct cleaning company! Our furnace and air duct cleaning Calgary team offers a wide spectrum of services that you can opt for to fit your needs.If you are looking for someone to carry out an air duct cleaning or furnace and duct cleaning reach out to us at Lendrix HVAC.

We will provide you with affordable, reliable and professional services to help you look after your health and that of those around you by keeping your air and furnace ducts in peak form.

Why frequent air duct cleaning is important

Just like you, your heating and cooling ducts could use a little TLC from time to time to make sure the systems are performing at their best. Need more convincing? Here are some of the reasons you should regularly clean your ducts.

  • It improves indoor air quality

    Your air ducts could be full of dust, pollen, pet dander, and other small minute particles that could hinder your air quality. Frequent duct cleaning ensures removing all these foreign particles from your air conditioning and duct system so they aren’t re-circulated into your space and impact indoor air quality.

    The improvement in air quality from this simple act of cleaning benefits the health of everyone using the space, but for so many of us who suffer from allergies due  to dust, pollen, pets and other airborne particles, they are essential. Say yes to less watery eyes and runny noses, and more smiling faces!

  • Comfortable breathing

    When the air inside your home is fresh and clean and free of unwanted particles, you are bound to feel more comfortable while breathing. Those with respiratory challenges and health issues also find it easier to breathe in clean air environments.

    Both mental and physical comfort comes with knowing that your air is free of unwanted particles that just don’t belong in our bodies.  Maximizing the comfort of your space and putting your mind at ease are just a quick cleaning away! 

  • Save energy and money

    A dirty HVAC system could be costing you a lot of energy (and cash!) every month. If there are obstructions in your ducts or filters, the chances are very good that your system is working overtime trying to do what would normally be an efficient process. Working overtime means using more effort and power is needed for the HVAC system to provide you with cleaner air. And like we mentioned above, the indoor air quality isn’t optimal either. So why pay more, and get less?

    Regular air and furnace duct cleaning by qualified professionals can ensure proper ductwork and ventilation that is free of obstruction and that you are getting your “bang for buck” out of your system.

  • How often should you get your air ducts cleaned?

    We know that keeping your systems clean will improve indoor air quality, breathing comfort, and save you energy, so we hope you agree that air and furnace duct cleaning should be on your must-do list. The question is then, how often you should get your ducts cleaned.? Well, the short answer is every 3 to 5 years.

    If you have pets, or it is particularly dusty in your location (like say, there is construction next door for example), we’d recommend you air on the more frequent 3-year timeline, or more frequently if you are noticing build up. To keep your systems operating at their best, and your health at the top of its game, contact a high-quality, professional duct cleaning service, like our team here at Lendrix HVAC. As a customer, you will get a thorough duct cleaning which will save you time, money and rid your home of unwanted dust, dander and other particles!

What We Offer

We offer 2 different types of services to our customers based on their needs. They are:

Standard Duct Cleaning with Compressed Air

  • Get full 24-point furnace inspection and tune-Up
  • Includes all ducts up to 2000 sq/ft or 16 ducts
  • Before and after pictures included. 
  • Negative air machine hook-up and compressed air cleaning
  • Add main floor & basement dryer vent cleaning
  • Waste disposal fee waived

Premier Duct Cleaning with Compressed Air & Sanitizing

  • Full 24-point Furnace Inspection and tune-Up
  • Negative air machine hook-up and compressed air cleaning.
  • Includes all ducts up to 2000 sq ft or 16 ducts
  • Main floor and basement dryer vent cleaning included. 
  • Sanitizer fog through each of the duct lines and main trunk.
  • Waste-disposal fee waived
  • Before and after pictures included.

Why choose Lendrix HVAC

We are committed to being the best in the industry and offer high-quality, efficient and effective air duct cleaning services to our customers. As well as having a highly-experienced, professional team, Our equipment is best in class.

We are also committed to ensuring we understand customer needs before offering any service so they can be confident and trust that they are getting the duct cleaning service they need and expect.

Our licensed duct cleaning professionals are only a call away. So, get in touch today and get the best cleaning technicians at your doorstep in Calgary AB today!

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